post treatment care

Possible Complications and what to do
- Redness
- Major Bruising
- Pain
- Swelling that is not in keeping with the injections that you have had
- Strange vascular networks appearing on your face.
An obstruction to a vein or artery can have serious consequences and if you do not show us this allows to asses or treat the situation, there can be long-term effects that can be irreversible.

Botulinum Toxin
- Avoid touching, rubbing or any pressure to the area for 4 hours after injecting.
- No exercise or activities that raise the blood pressure for 4 – 12 hours after injecting.
- Avoid any facials, massages and facial treatments for up to 12 hours.

Chemical Peels
- Avoid Moisture for up to 12 hours post peel
- Avoid washing your face or applying any moisturizers for up to 12 hours post peel
- Avoid the use of products that contain AHA’s, retinol, glycolic or salicylic acid during the peeling procedure
- Avoid the use of the highly active products for 5-7 days, including benzoyl peroxide, vitamin A and C
- Avoid shaving 5-7 days over the area that has been peeled.
- Avoid waxing treatments for 10-14 post peel
- Avoid excessive exfoliating for 10-14 days post peel
- Minimise sun exposure for 48 hours and wear a hat and sunscreen for 1 week post peel.
- No unprotected or excessive sun exposure for 7-10 days
- You can apply the derma-quest post-peel balm and an SPF to keep the skin protected
- Avoid heat for 12 hours, especially direct heat

Dermal fillers
- No pressure on the area for up to 12 hours
- Swelling is normal, this will subside in the next 24-48 hours. You can gently use an ice pack to relieve swelling and sleep in a slight upright position
- Should any bruising occur, you can lightly apply arnica oil over the area. Only from 12 hours after the treatment. Should you require to subside bruising quicker, we can perform LED light therapy.
- Avoid any heat inducing activities such as exercise, saunas, and hot showers for 12-24 hours after the procedure.
- Do not touch or massage the area for up to 12 Hours
- Avoid Alcohol for up to 12 hours
- Ice can be used to reduce swelling and active bruising
- When filling Naso-labial folds, avoid smiling for 2 hours.

Threads & silhouette soft
- Keep your head elevated at least 30 Degrees for the first 3 nights
- You may apply ice or a cold compress to the surgical sites for the first 24 hours
- Apply for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off in a period of time.
- Avoid any direct pressure to the face and area where the sutures were placed for 3 weeks after the treatment has been performed. This includes any sleeping positions where your face is under pressure
- You may wash your hair and face as normal
- Please keep facial movements to a minimum for at least 3 weeks
- Avoid excessive chewing, talking, yawning and smiling to a minimum for at least 3 weeks. And avoid drinking through a straw
- Refer to form given during the treatment for detailed information

Fat loss injections
- Massage twice a day for 5 days
- Wear pressure garments as much as possible for up to 3 months

PRP-platElet rich plasma (vampire facial, hair prp etc.)
- Do not wash your face or hair for up to 12 hours after the treatment
- Avoid vigorous exercise, heat and sun exposure for 24 hours

Microneedling and dermapen
- Apply sunscreen every 4 hours to the area for the first two weeks post treatment
- Avoid prolonged sun exposure for the first week after derma-pen
- Be cautious with touching your face with un-sanitized hands to avoid any infection
- Avoid applying make up for 24 hours post procedure
- Avoid activities that make you sweat for up to 72 hours post procedure
- Apply an antioxidant serum to the skin for skin rejuvenation.
- Avoid washing your face for 12 hours post procedure
- Avoid any products that contain active ingredients for 5-7 days post procedure

Skin rejuvenation (ipl laser)
- Ice immediately after treatment for 30 minutes. After that ice for 10 minutes every hour for the first 3 hours
- The night of your treatment, it is recommended for you to sleep with an extra pillow to prevent swelling
- You may begin washing your face the evening of the treatment using a gentle cleanser and warm water and pat dry.
- Avoid applying make-up prior to redness subsiding
- A mild sunburn sensation is normal for a couple of hours/days post treatment.
- Avoid exfoliation 5 days post treatment
- Avoid hot baths or showers 48 hours post treatment
- Avoid excessive sun exposure 4-6 weeks after treatment. Apply sunscreen every 4 hours for the next 4 weeks to keep the skin protected

Xela redermalization
- Do Not Ice the area the swelling stimulates collagen
- Do Not take medication containing Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, or aspirin
- Do Not gym or sit near fires or heaters on the day or night of the treatment
- Cleanse face as per normal every morning and night. After cleansing spray, the hyalual daily delux all over the face, allow it to settle before applying your moisturizer
- You can wear make-up over the treatment after 6 hours
- Panado or stilpane is allowed for any discomfort after the treatment
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory, omega oils or pain killers before your appointment

- Do not pick at the scabs as it may cause pigmentation, scarring and infection
- When cleansing your face, avoid using products including soap on the area for 24-48 hours
- When cleansing the face or showering use only mild products with no alcohol
- Pat areas dry instead of rubbing to prevent removal of the scab
- Apply Neosprin/Bactroban to the area for 4 days post treatment
- Avoid direct sunlight during peak hours (11am – 5pm)
- Use sun protection all day, all year round, remember It needs to be reapplied every 4-5hours
- Do not use any form of peeling, bleaching or retinol products for at least 21 days post treatment
- Do not apply make up for 24 hours post treatment

Laser Hair Removal
- A mild sensation similar to sunburn is to be expected. This will typically last between two and twenty-four (2–24) hours, but may continue for seventy-two (72) hours. It can be accompanied by minor swelling and redness, but this will normally subside in two or three days.
- Apply ice that has been wrapped or gel packs in the treatment area for between ten and fifteen (10–15) minutes every hour for the following four (4) hours, as required, Never apply ice directly to the skin. You may take an oral anti-inflammatory or an analgesic to ease discomfort. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions when taking medication.
Until the redness has subsided, avoiding the following is advised:
- Applying cosmetics to the treatment areas
- Swimming, particularly in pools containing chemical products
- Jacuzzis and saunas
- Activities that lead to excessive sweating or any activity that can elevate core body temperature
- Exposure to the sun or tanning in the treatment areas. Apply a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least SPF 45 to prevent alterations in skin colour
- Vigorous scrubbing or the use of exfoliants in the treatment areas
- Normal bathing or showering, as the treatment areas may be sensitive to temperature
The appearance of hair growth may continue for between seven and thirty (7–30) days following the treatment. This is not new hair growing, but treated hairs being shed from the skin.
Hairs that were in the resting (telogen) phase when the treatment was performed may enter the growth (anagen) phase in one to six (1–6) months, depending on the area of the body they are located in. A follow-up treatment may be re- quired.
If any dark lesions appear, do not pick or pull at them as this may lead to scars.
The potential side effects of hair treatment include the following:
- Pain, haematomas, peeling, rashes, prolonged tingling, redness, ingrown hairs, irritation, swelling and infection
- Burns, blisters, scalding and scars
- Scabs, broken capillaries, tanning and acne or herpetic flare-ups
- Alterations to pigmentation including hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) or hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) for one to six (1–6) months or longer, or possibly permanently
- The disappearance of freckles or other pigmented lesions. Freckles and other pigmented lesions may temporarily or permanently disappear in the treatment areas
- The risk of brightening or obscuring vascular lesions
- Scars, blood clots, loss of skin, haematomas (the accumulation of blood under the skin) and allergic reactions to medications or materials used during the procedure
- Coinciding hair removal when treating pigmented or vascular lesions in areas with hair. There is a risk that the new hair growth may be different, such as new growth, a resurgence without growth or more growth than before
- An elevated risk of incongruous hair growth in people of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean descent, and also those with a poorly defined hairline without an obvious transition between the hairline and the face

Cool Tech - fat freezing
Side effects include:
- Reddening of the treated area
- Mild swelling
- Temporary bruising
- Tingling sensation
- Numbness
Deep oscillation is performed to lessen the above side effects of the cool tech treatment

- Due to the anaesthesia, you may experience bruising at the injection site. You may also experience shaking, numbness or tingling in the arm, lasting less than 24 hours.
- After the treatment, you may experience swelling, redness, temporary altered sensation, tingling, soreness, weakness, tight banding, pain, or bumps under the skin in the treated area and/or upper arm. In most cases, these side effects will gradually go away. In rare cases, it can last for several months
- Discomfort, tenderness or pain in the underarm is typically treatable with non-prescription medications such as ibuprofen.
- In rare cases, prescription medications may be needed. In rare situations, hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin), burns, skin infections, rashes, and altered sweating in other areas of the body may occur.
- Ice the treated area using a towel wrapped ice pack, you can use non-prescription anti-inflammatories if required to reduce swelling
- Keep the treated area clean, wash with water and gentle liquid soap, apply over the counter antibiotic ointment to prevent infection
- Avoid shaving or applying anti-perspirant for the next few days
- Wait a few days before continuing rigorous exercise or activity
- Wear loose fitting tops to avoid underarm irritation for the next few days

Green Peel
- Avoid the use of AHA, BHA, Retinol or benzoyl peroxide 4 days before and 5 days post treatment
- Avoid sweeting, heavy exercise, hot baths, or showers 2 days post treatment
- Do not over touch the skin post treatment – this will cause sensitivity

- Slight redness will be noticeable post treatment
- Area can stay warm and red for as long as 3ominutes post treatment

Dermaquest peels
- Apply post treatment balm to the area once or twice a day to keep it moisturized
- No Sun exposure for 48 hours
- No sun beds for 5 – 7 days post peel
- No waxing for 5 – 7 Days post peel
- No gym or excessive sweat for 3 days minimum
- Keep skin well moisturized with post treatment balm and skinbrite cream daily.
- Skin may peel for up to 7 Days post treatment
- No picking of the skin, skin will feel slightly tight and dry, this is normal
- Darkening of the skin and scabbing is not common. However, it can occur
- Do not use AHA, BHA, Retinol or Benzoyl Peroxide until skin has completely healed.